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    BS-230 is a “CUTE”, multi-functional benchtop clinical chemistry analyzer with a throughput at 200 T/H, up to 400 T/H with ISE.Though with a compact size, it has achieved a host of advanced functions never before found on a like product in the market, making it an optimal chemistry solution for small laboratories and a back-up tool for mid-tohigh end laboratories. Features: Discrete, random access, fully automated, bench-top Up to 200 tests per hour, or 400 tests per hour with ISE Flexible Loading, Large capacity of 80 reagent positions and 40 sample positions extendable to 80 100μl minimum reaction volume Disposable Cuvettes to avoid contamination Prbe carryover less than 0.05%
    Sku: ZN2023473

    Mindray BS-230 Fully Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

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